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아이앰솔루션의 다양한 제품을 소개합니다

StrikoMelter Plus+

  • 제품특징
    • Very low energy consumption
    • Up to 99.75 % metal yield
    • 20-year service life
    • Proven performance
  • 주요기능
    • Shaft geometry designed for savings
    • Optimized burner alignment for oxide reduction
    • Laser shaft monitoring for efficient filling
    • Shaft cover to prevent heat loss and lower energy consumption
  • 적용분야
    • High Pressure Die-Casting
    • High Pressure Die-Casting - Structural Components
    • Sand and Gravity Casting

The industry standard for aluminium melting

It’s 20-year lifespan and global reputation for achieving a near 100% metal yield – all while consuming just 600 kWh/t – has made StrikoMelter Plus+ the industry standard for melting aluminium. Over 95% of the total cost of furnace ownership is generated by energy consumption and loss of metal. The unrivalled durability, efficiency and dependable quality built into Plus+ tackle this challenge head on.

99,75 % - Reduce one of the essential cost driver and make the most of your charge material

Shaft technology that saves your energy

StrikoMelter’s proven shaft design combines preheating, heating and liquefaction in one highly efficient unit.


The counter flow principle employed means exhaust gas from the melted material at the bottom of the shaft is used to gradually heat cold charge material being loaded at the top. This minimizes the time the aluminium needs to spend in the “high temperature” zone, significantly reducing fuel consumption and contributing towards the high-quality melt StrikoMelter Plus+ is famous for.

Energy saving features don’t stop there. With our shaft filling laser system, for example, fill levels are monitored constantly to ensure the furnace is fed with the right amount of material at exactly the right time to optimize energy recovery and productivity.

Created by WISHWEB
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